We’re glad you’re here!

This congregation is a passionate, serving congregation seeking “to invite and equip all to follow Jesus in transforming the world.” We offer a wide variety of opportunities to connect to Christ and this congregation and we encourage all to grow in discipleship. There is a place for you here among this community of seekers and servants. Take a few minutes to explore our website and catch the spirit of this place and its people. You’ll find great information about ministries for individuals, families, youth, and children. You’ll hear of our system of intentional care for each person in need. You’ll be excited by the scope of outreach and missions in Saint Cloud, the region, and beyond! You’ll find support for learning in Bible studies and small groups.

We’re glad you stopped by to visit us on the web. We’d also love to see you this Sunday in worship.

Where is the Church?

Our church facility is located in the heart of Saint Cloud Florida, not far off Route 192.
1000 Ohio Ave, 
St Cloud, FL 34769

Worship Options

We currently have several different styles of worship available


A traditional style of Methodist worship with classic music and traditional hymns.  This service starts at 8:15 a.m.  Nursery services are available. 


Similar in style to Traditional but with more modern music.  This is also our family-oriented service, with nursery, a children’s story and children’s church.  This service starts at 10:15 AM


This service is a modern style, with a focus on current Christian music and spirit filled messages.  This service starts at 11:30 AM in the Family Life Center behind the church. 

When you arrive

Please park in our convenient parking lot directly across the street from the church. You’ll see the open doors by the corner of the church. If you have special mobility needs, we have a lift available around the back of the Sanctuary. An usher can guide you to special facilities (Nursery/Restroom) and provide you with more information about our church. After the service, we would also love to share a welcome gift with you to remember us and provide additional information.

For the Contemporary Service, head straight to our Family Life Center behind the church on Ohio Ave. 

Common Questions

You are not required to be a member to worship with us. If you do wish to join our faith community, our membership page details the process of joining the Saint Cloud First United Methodist Church family. Go here for more information

Our church offers several types of outreach to the community and world!  Check out our Serve page for more details.

We have lots of different ways for your children and teens to be involved!  Check out our Children and Youth pages for details. 

Youth are invited to take the next step on a lifelong journey of faith, learn some of the foundations of Christian faith and discipleship, continue the process of spiritual formation, and build relationships with God, other students, and their adult mentors. For more details check out our Youth page. 

Baptism is not required to attend our worship services. If you are considering baptism, our pastors would love to schedule a conversation with you about this covenant. Children are welcome at this meeting. 

Our pastoral Staff would love to speak with you regarding our church family. Go to our Contact Us page to reach out to us.