Drama Ministry

Share God's love and story through Drama

Our Drama Ministry offers plays, stories, movement pieces, and dance that shed light on biblical narratives and faith, while its audience gains spiritual and enlightening knowledge. This ministry links spiritual gifts, natural skills, and creative abilities together, to help others to become empowered by the Glory of God.

Worship Service Presentations

Sundays, Traditional and Blended Services
Location: Sanctuary

Our team prepares small presentations that are aligned with the pastor’s message or lectionary bible passages for that week. These are usually smaller teams of actors (2 to 5 people) that share a 3 – 5 minute presentation with the congregation. These are presented periodically, but typically at least once per month at both services the Traditional and Blended service.

Rehearsals: Vary and are scheduled based on availability

Director: Jim Stamberger

Seasonal Presentations

Sundays, Traditional and Blended Services
Location: Sanctuary, Family Life Center

The Drama team prepares larger plays typically during the Christmas or Lenten seasons. These are larger teams of actors that share a longer and more complex program in support of the Church season or message. They also involve more rehearsals and preparation by the cast members.

Rehearsals: Vary and are scheduled based on availability

Director: Jim Stamberger

Community Outreach

The Drama Team is producing at least two major productions during the year as an outreach to our community. We plan to have a Dinner Theatre once a year and at least one Children’s Theatre production. These productions will be open to the community to participate or to experience as audience members. Funds raised will help the Drama Ministry reach out with Christ’s love.

Stage Crew

No desire to act? The Drama Team still needs your gifts and talents. We will need Costume workers (sewing and designing), Props personnel (find props for productions), Lights and Sound (design and operate during the show), Sets (people to build sets and paint sets), Stage Manager (Makes sure the production runs smoothly from backstage), Box Office ( prepare and sell tickets). Most productions will be free with offerings taken.

Click the photo above to go to the drama team’s Facebook page!

Upcoming Drama Events