Congregational Care

Bringing the love of God to His people

All Christians are called to care for each other. Our Congregational Care ministries focus on healing and strengthening our relationships with God and with each other.  The only skills required are love and compassion!

Caring By Cards

Volunteers send cards to those experiencing grief or other crises and shut-ins. Cards are sent to those on the bulletin prayer list for extended periods of time as requested by pastors or other leaders. Celebrations are welcome.

Contact:  Renda Collins  (

Visitation Ministry

Trained volunteers make calls and/or visits to members who are shut-in, hospitalized, or lonely. If you wish to be part of this ministry, please contact pastor Jim Kledis.

Contact: Jim Kledis (

Prayer Ministry

The Power Hour Prayer Group meets on Mondays to lift up requested prayers. This ministry has been serving God for Decades! Please contact Ruth Nye to get involved in this important ministry.

Contact: Ruth Nye (